Wednesday, November 24, 2010

This things I believe.

I know. There is a blatant grammatical error in the title of this post. I actually did it on purpose for humorous effect. It's from that Simpsons episode where Homer stays home from church and calls in to that radio station... you know, the one... ergh, never mind.*

This post is a departure from the usual tangential, ridiculous, humorous-if-you-like-reading-about-housecats-and-shameful-admissions ramblings in this thing I call a "blog." This post is simply a reflection on a few things I've learned as of late. Nothing too profound. If you're looking for something with great profundity, I'd suggest looking elsewhere on The Internets for such things. (The same goes for great meatloaf recipes. You will not find those here, either. Nor will you find anything having to do with Meatloaf the musician guy, or cooking meatloaf with Meatloaf the musician guy.) Nonetheless, I am simply sharing some realizations. This is a more serious post of a spiritual nature that may or may not be rife with cliche. But I'm okay with that. Sometimes I am just one big, walking cliche. Sometimes you just have to own it. So, here it goes. You've been warned.

I've learned that God has a funny/interesting/what-the-what?! way of teaching us things. A way that sometimes makes us shake our heads and say, "Really?? Really?!!" or just give a big thumbs-up to the sky and smile and say, "You got it, dude," like that horrible catch phrase Michelle from Full House used to say. (Remember Full House, you guys? I liked Who's The Boss better.)

With that said, it's funny how it so often takes the hardest of times to make us turn to spirituality. To open that portal that has been completely boarded with "caution" tape for too long. I can't deny the difference between a life void of spirituality and one that is spiritually fulfilled. And I choose the latter. (The former is like trying to ride a bicycle with no seat. It's difficult and doesn't really make a lot of sense. And it probably hurts your posterior regions a lot more.) Life just makes more sense that way. And is infinitely greater that way.

And while we're speaking of the Powers That Be (is that supposed to be capitalized? I feel weird!), I've decided I simply cannot deny divine inspiration/intervention in my life. It's just too coincidental to be chalked up to, well, coincidence. I believe in it, and that is that. Take it as you will. (I'd recommend taking it with a large grain of salt if this is too preachy for you.)

I've realized I love music more than any non-living thing. Okay, most non-living things. (And maybe more than some living things?) I love making it, sharing it, nerding-out about it, just being part of it in any way possible. It's not like this is any kind of new discovery, but I just keep loving it more and more. There's just no way around it.

On that note, there is nothing better than discovering music that awakens you, that revives you from trudging through a wandering slumber of life. Music that leaves you shaken and stirred. There's something to be said when a syncopated bass surprises you and melts your insides a little. Or when that siren guitar solo punches you in the gut (in a good way) and tells you that there is a god and the world is a magnificent little place.

To Adrianne: I've finally learned to love like you do--fiercely, unabashedly, unconditionally. I understand what life is about, and I understand what you were all about more than I ever have before. And I wish you were here so I could tell you all of this.

As with most things in life, becoming an excellent pie-maker requires time, patience and practice. And the wherewithall not to throw the balled-up pie crust at your mom and run away screaming.** One should not invest their ego in their pie-making, at least until they've honed their craft.

Finding peace with yourself and your surroundings is sometimes a tall order. Nonetheless, it is always my goal.

Life is funny, incredibly hard and beautiful, all in one neat little package. It is enchanting, and I adore it, quite. Don't you?

*Okay, fine. Season 3, episode: "Homer the Heretic."
**This didn't happen. Okay, maybe it happened a little.