Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hi, Gene.

I recently had a cologne attack. A colognac attack, rather. Maybe you've experienced one. You're walking home from campus in a stupor, probably thinking about food of some kind or plotting an evil nano-robot scheme, when out of nowhere, a college-going man-child dashes by, leaving you in a cloud of confusion and putrid Aqua di Gio or whatever the hell he has marinated himself in overnight. This particular incidence was so severe I could taste the smell and actually started gagging.

Here are some tips for this guy and other poor saps:

1. Marinade is for chicken and other succulent meats. Not for people. Unless you are a cannibal and you think people meat makes a nice steak.

2. The amount of cologne you wear is not equal to the amount of girls who will immediately throw themselves on you like in those commercials. No one is going to take their clothes off because your cologne makes you an irresistible sex god. Check yourself-- can you even grow a good beard?

3. I would rather smell a consecutive stream of 25 elderly men bathed in Old Spice than taste the smell your pretty-boy brand of cologne that was all the rage with the spiky-haired kids in high school. Plus, grandpas are awesome and they tell me I'm pretty. You look down at me over your popped collar. You lose.

4. Spray once, put down the bottle. A little cologne isn't bad. It's very nice, actually. Here's a rule of thumb: If you can just
barely smell the cologne on yourself, that means everyone else can smell it quite well at a level that is unoffensive to the soul.

5. If it's me you're trying to impress (which it's not), you could easily squeak by with wearing some random aftershave you found in your underwear drawer. Wearing deodorant is a definite plus as well. But if it's me you're trying to impress, you would also have to be able to grow a beard and probably kinda dress like a lumberjack.


  1. Question: I'm able to grow a nice, bushy beard that birds can nest in, and even occasionally don a flannel shirt. Yet you never came onto me while we were roommates. This blog is full of lies!

  2. Ha ha I realized that the first comment didn't even have a question in it. So here's my question: if I had carried an ax would it have sealed the deal?

  3. Kelli - I like your new blog and this latest entry really made me laugh. I could almost taste the cologne you spoke of because I had too many of those incidents in college, too! I'll be looking for an Old Spice lumberjack for you...

  4. Kelly, I love your blog! (I found it through Facebook.) And I LOVE this post. My friend and I always said in high school that too many guys "marinate" themselves in meat, because that's what it is! How can they not smell themselves, it's gross!
    My favorite--"Can you even grow a beard?" HAHAHA

  5. Um...I meant marinate themselves in cologne, although the marinate themselves in meat might be true, too. :) hahaha, sorry!

  6. Um, hello Ash-face, I never saw this said "beard" when we were roommates! Also, you were always with that J-pants dude anyway. What's his name... Johann? Joaquinia? Help me out here.

  7. Kelly, I love you and your point of view. The end.
