Sunday, June 14, 2009

An afterthought.

Dear Northern Utah,
Are you trying to be the Pacific Northwest? If so, I suggest you stop trying. I don't know who you're trying to fool with your recent chilly, wet, thunderous nature in the midst of summer. I mean, I appreciate the recent frequent downpours, and I like your newfound super green-ness. But it's not really you. Are you trying to change who you are because you think Seattle and the like are prettier than you? Seattle and friends are very pretty, but so are you. You are pretty in your own special way, as Mom says. And you are a desert and not a coastal state. So quit trying to be something else. Get some confidence and just be yourself, dammit! Seriously, get a grip.

With love,


  1. Freak! Amen!! I am so sick of this weather I honestly want to cry... and maybe even already have... this is the way I see it: Brown mountains = brown skin :)

  2. um, and this is Megan btw... I'm on my mom's computer... weird.

  3. Kelly - just a one-liner to say this made me smile and miss you. Thanks for that.
